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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - force


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Перевод с английского языка force на русский

1) сила 2) выгонять (растения) – adhesive force – attractive force – germinating force – matric force – selection force – stacking force – suction force – vital force
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См. в других словарях

  1. сила, мощь the force of the blow —- сила удара with all one's force —- изо всех сил to hit with force —- сильно ударить 2. сила, воздействие the force of superstition —- сила предрассудка the force of circumstances —- сила обстоятельств the force of example —- воздействие примера by sheer force of will —- иссключительно (только) силой воли by force of habit —- в силу привычки 3. авторитет, престиж to be a force —- быть силой, иметь вес, пользоваться большим влиянием today he is an international force —- сейчас он пользуется авторитетом во всем мире he is a spent force —- он уже не пользуется влиянием, он вышел в тираж 4. действенность; действительность the force of an agreement —- действительность договора the full force of the treaty —- полная сила договора in force —- действующий, имеющий силу (о договоре, документе и т. п.) to put in force —- вводить в силу; делать действительным; проводить в жизнь, осуществлять to come into force —- вступать в силу to remain in force —- оставаться в силе; действовать this law remains in force till next year —- этот закон действителен до будущего года to have no force —- быть недействительным, не иметь силы 5. насилие, принуждение brutal force —- грубая сила, насилие by force —- силой, насильно to achieve smth. by force —- добиться чего-л. силой to use (to resort to) force —- прибегать к силе (насилию) to believe in...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out выгонять The owner forced the poor family out of the house when they could not pay the rent. FORCE  1. noun  1) сила - by force  2) насилие, принуждение - brute force  3) вооруженный отряд  4) the force - полиция  5) usu. pl. вооруженные силы, войска  6) сила, действие (закона, постановления и т.п.) - come into force - put in force - remain in force  7) влияние, действенность, убедительность by force of circumstances - в силу обстоятельств there is force in what you say - вы говорите убедительно  8) смысл, значение the force of a clause - смысл статьи (договора)  9) phys. сила - force of gravity to come in full force - прибыть в полном составе Syn: see impact  2. v.  1) заставлять, принуждать; навязывать to force a confession - вынудить признание to force a smile - выдавить улыбку; заставить себя улыбнуться to force tears from smb. s eyes - заставить кого-л. расплакаться, довести кого-л. до слез to force an action -  а) mil. навязать бой;  б) вынудить кого-л. сделать что-л. to force division - потребовать голосования (особ. в англ. парламенте)  2) брать силой, форсировать - force a lock - force ones way - force a crossing  3) tech. вставлять с силой  4) форсировать (ход); перегружать машину  5) ускорять (движение); добавлять обороты  6) напрягать, насиловать to force ones voice - напрягать голос  7) выводить, выращивать - force in - force into - force out - force up to force down the throat - навязать...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) сила; действенность; действие 2) принуждение 3) заставлять; принуждать 4) смысл, значение 5) творческий или исследовательский коллектив – force majeure – distinguishing force – elemental forces – field force – guiding force – legal force – natural forces – probative force – spontaneous forces – thought force FORCE 1. сущ. 1) сила 2) насилие, принуждение 3) войска, род войск 4) действенность 5) действительность • - agricultural labour force - armed forces - be in force legal - be in force - binding force - by force of - come into force - coming into force - deadly force - decisive force - deglomerative forces - economic forces - elemental forces - enter into force - force of law - in full force - labor force - labour force - law in force - multilateral nuclear force - multilateral nuclear forces - productive forces - put in force - reduction in force - remain in force - renounce force - sky force - spontaneous forces - the force of an agreement - unlawful force - use force Syn: constraint, compulsion, coercion, leverage, power, strength 2. гл. 1) заставлять, принуждать 2) оказывать давление - force up prices Syn: enforce, constrain, compel FORCE 1. сущ. 1) а) общ. сила (физическая) He hit with all the force he could muster. — Он ударил изо всех сил. Syn: power, strength б) общ. действенность, осмысленность; воздействие, фактор In both these two reasons there is force. — Каждый из этих двух аргументов убедителен. Syn: "leverage 2) общ. насилие, принуждение to apply to use force — применять силу to renounce the use of force — отказываться от применения силы brutal force — грубая сила Syn: constraint,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вгонять 2) вдавливать 3) вогнать 4) вставить 5) вставлять 6) вынуждать 7) вытеснить 8) вытеснять 9) заставить 10) заставлять 11) интенсивность 12) нагнетательный 13) нагнетать 14) перегружать 15) перегрузить 16) принудить 17) принуждать 18) сигнальный 19) сила 20) силовой 21) усилие 22) форсировать aileron control force — усилие на штурвал от элеронов brute force computation — прямое вычисление (т. е. без применения эффективных приемов) bundle of lines of force — пучок силовых линий force door open — открывать дверь принудительно force plug out — выбивать пробку frequency force factor — электр. коэффициент силовой частоты image force model — модель сил изображения J x B force — энерг. сила амперовая line of action of a force — линия действия силы low-insertion force socket — контактное гнездо с малым усилием сочленения magnetic line of force — магнитная силовая линия moment of a force — момент силы overcome force of spring — преодолевать пружину rudder pedal force — усилие на педали руля поворота sustained positive g force — перегрузка продолжительная to apply force — прикладывать усилие - application of force - area of force - backward force - breaking force - by force - center of force - centrifugal force - clamping force - coercive force - compressive force - constraining force - constraint force - control force - cornering force - counterelectromotive force - directive force - electrode force - field of force - force cell - force...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) сила; воздействие 2) вмешательство – actuation force – alternating electromotive force – auxiliary electromotive force – coercive force – counterelectromotive force – electromagnetic force – electromotive force – galvanic electromotive force – magnetic force – magnetomotive force – mutual induction force – photoelectromotive force – psophometric electromotive force – reverse electromotive force – self-induction force – sinusoidal electromotive force – stylus force – switching electromotive force – tracking force – transformer electromotive force ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  сила; усилие force acting at one point force acting in the direction of displacement forces acting in various directions forces caused by displacements forces due to flexure force due to a mass force due to friction force exerted against the wall forces exerted by the removed supports in force forces in a single plane forces in space forces on the left/right of the section forces resulting from elastic deformations forces resulting from shrinkage forces resulting from thermal deformations to force aside to force in to resolve the force into components force of adhesion force of gravity force of repulsion accelerating force acting force active force adhesion force air force alternating force applied force ascending force attractive force auxiliary force axial force balance force balancing force bending force body force bonding force boundary force braking force breaking force buckling force bulk force buoyant force centrifugal force centripetal force circumferential force closing force coacting forces cohesive force collapsing force collinear force compression force concentrated force concurrent forces conjugate force constant force constraining force contraction forces coplanar forces critical force distributed force downward force dynamic force earthquake forces eccentric force edge force elastic force equal and opposite forces equilibrant force equivalent force expansion forces external forces fictitious force flexure forces friction force frost heaving force generalized force gravity force hoop force horizontal force ice force impact force imposed force impulsive force independent forces inertia force inner forces inner forces of the truss instantaneous force interdependent forces internal forces interparticle attractive forces jacking force labor force lateral force lifting force longitudinal force mass force membrane force motive force nodal forces nonconcurrent forces noncoplanar forces normal force opposite acting forces outer forces owner's own forces parallel forces periodic force prestressing force prestressing force...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) мех. сила; усилие 2) воздействие 3) вмешательство вмешиваться (в работу устройства); принуждать, заставлять; форсировать 4) вставлять с усилием, вдавливать; вгонять, загонять 5) пуансон 6) усиливать; ускорять; увеличивать force A is equal and opposite to force B — сила А равна по величине и противоположна по направлению силе В; force between track links — натяг между звеньями траковой цепи; force in the joint — рбт усилие в сочленении; to apply force — прикладывать силу; прилагать усилие; to balance force — уравновешивать силу; to combine forces — складывать силы; to distribute force — распределять силу; to force down — прижимать книзу, отжимать; to exert force — прикладывать силу; прилагать усилие; to force home — вгонять (загонять) до отказа; to impress force upon structure — прикладывать силу к конструкции или к сооружению; to force out — 1. вытеснять, выгонять 2. выкачивать; to place forces in equilibrium — уравновешивать силы; to resolve force into components — раскладывать силу на составляющие; to take (up) force — воспринимать усилие; to force through — продавливать; проталкивать force of current interaction — сила взаимодействия токов, экстрадинамическая сила - accelerating force - actual cutting force - actuation force - adhesion force - adsorption forces - aerodynamic force - aggregation force - alternating force - alternating electromotive force - applied force -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 power; exerted strength or impetus; intense effort. 2 coercion or compulsion, esp. with the use or threat of violence. 3 a military strength. b (in pl.) troops; fighting resources. c an organized body of people, esp. soldiers, police, or workers. 4 binding power; validity. 5 effect; precise significance (the force of their words). 6 a mental or moral strength; influence, efficacy (force of habit). b vividness of effect (described with much force). 7 Physics a an influence tending to cause the motion of a body. b the intensity of this equal to the mass of the body and its acceleration. 8 a person or thing regarded as exerting influence (is a force for good). --v. 1 tr. constrain (a person) by force or against his or her will. 2 tr. make a way through or into by force; break open by force. 3 tr. (usu. with prep. or adv.) drive or propel violently or against resistance (forced it into the hole; the wind forced them back). 4 tr. (foll. by on, upon) impose or press (on a person) (forced their views on us). 5 tr. a cause or produce by effort (forced a smile). b attain by strength or effort (forced an entry; must force a decision). 6 tr. strain or increase to the utmost; overstrain. 7 tr. artificially hasten the development or maturity of (a plant). 8 tr. seek or demand quick results from; accelerate the process of (force the pace). 9 intr. Cards make a play that compels another particular play. Phrases and idioms by force of by means of. force the bidding (at an auction) make bids to raise the price rapidly. forced labour compulsory labour, esp. under harsh conditions. forced landing the unavoidable landing of an aircraft in an emergency. forced march a long and vigorous march esp. by troops. force-feed force (esp. a prisoner) to take food. force field (in science fiction) an invisible barrier of force. force a person's hand make a person act prematurely or unwillingly. force the issue render an immediate decision necessary. force-land land an aircraft in an emergency. force-pump a pump that forces water under...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *fortia, from Latin fortis strong  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) strength or energy exerted or brought to bear ; cause of motion or change ; active power the ~s of nature the motivating ~ in her life  (2) capitalized — used with a number to indicate the strength of the wind according to the Beaufort scale a Force 10 hurricane  b. moral or mental strength  c. capacity to persuade or convince the ~ of the argument  2.  a. military strength  b.  (1) a body (as of troops or ships) assigned to a military purpose  (2) plural the whole military strength (as of a nation)  c. a body of persons or things available for a particular end a labor ~ the missile ~  d. an individual or group having the power of effective action join ~s to prevent violence a ~ in politics  e. often capitalized police ~ — usually used with the  3. violence, compulsion, or constraint exerted upon or against a person or thing  4.  a. an agency or influence that if applied to a free body results chiefly in an acceleration of the body and sometimes in elastic deformation and other effects  b. any of the natural influences (as electromagnetism, gravity, the strong ~, and the weak ~) that exist especially between particles and determine the structure of the universe  5. the quality of conveying impressions intensely in writing or speech stated the objectives with ~  Synonyms: see power  • ~less adjective  II. transitive verb  (~d; forcing)  Date: 14th century  1. to do violence to; especially rape  2. to compel by physical, moral, or intellectual means  3. to make or cause especially through natural or logical necessity ~d to admit my error the last minute goal ~d overtime  4.  a. to press, drive, pass, or effect against resistance or inertia ~ your way through  b. to impose or thrust urgently, importunately, or inexorably ~ unwanted attentions on a coworker  5. to achieve or win by strength in struggle or violence: as  a. to win...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (forces, forcing, forced) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If someone forces you to do something, they make you do it even though you do not want to, for example by threatening you. He was forced to resign by Russia’s conservative parliament... I cannot force you in this. You must decide... They were grabbed by three men who appeared to force them into a car. VERB: V n to-inf, V n, V n prep/adv 2. If a situation or event forces you to do something, it makes it necessary for you to do something that you would not otherwise have done. A back injury forced her to withdraw from Wimbledon... He turned right, down a dirt road that forced him into four-wheel drive... She finally was forced to the conclusion that she wouldn’t get another paid job in her field. VERB: V n to-inf, V n into/to/out of n, V n into/to/out of n 3. If someone forces something on or upon you, they make you accept or use it when you would prefer not to. To force this agreement on the nation is wrong. = impose VERB: V n on/upon n 4. If you force something into a particular position, you use a lot of strength to make it move there. They were forcing her head under the icy waters, drowning her. VERB: V n prep/adv 5. If someone forces a lock, a door, or a window, they break the lock or fastening in order to get into a building without using a key. That evening police forced the door of the flat and arrested Mr Roberts... He tried to force the window open but it was jammed shut. VERB: V n, V n adj 6. If someone uses force to do something, or if it is done by force, strong and violent physical action is taken in order to achieve it. The government decided against using force to break-up the demonstrations. ...the guerrillas’ efforts to seize power by force. N-UNCOUNT 7. Force is the power or strength which something has. The force of the explosion shattered the windows of several buildings... N-UNCOUNT 8. If you refer to someone or something as a force in a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »MILITARY« a) a group of people who have been trained to fight in a war  (forces loyal to President Aquino | a highly efficient fighting force) b) the forces the army, navy, and air force  (Both her sons are in the forces.) c) military action used as a way of achieving your aims  (After World War I the use of force to settle conflicts was prohibited. | by force (of arms))  (The Serbs were accused of imposing these boundaries by force.) 2 »VIOLENCE« violent physical action used to get what you want  (The question is whether the police used reasonable force when arresting him. | by force)  (Her ex-husband tried to get the children back by force.) 3 »PHYSICAL POWER« a) the amount of physical power that is used or produced when something moves or hits something else  (waves hitting the rocks with tremendous force | The force of the explosion blew out all the windows. | brute force (=simple physical force))  (They kicked the door open by sheer brute force.) b) technical power that produces movement in another object, for example by pulling it or pushing it  (the force of gravity) 4 »STRONG INFLUENCE« something or someone that has a strong influence on the way events develop, on people's lives, or on the way people think  (Mrs Thatcher is no longer the force she once was in British politics. | driving force (=person or thing that has the strongest influence on the way things happen))  (The need for short-term profits seem to be the driving force behind these mergers. | a force for peace/progress/good etc (=someone whose actions make peace, progress etc more likely to happen) | a force to be reckoned with (=a company, organization etc with a lot of power and influence))  (Within just a few months, Microsoft became a force to be reckoned with in the global software market. | forces beyond sb's control)  (The fall in coffee prices was due to forces beyond their control. | the forces of evil/oppression)  (the fight against the forces of oppression) 5 »POWERFUL EFFECT« the powerful effect of what someone says...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  onc. abbr. Focus On Rehabilitation And Cancer Education onc. abbr. Facing Our Risk Of Cancer Empowered mil. abbr. Finally Organizing Really Cool Events ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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